CodeQuiz 0.6.1

About this project

CodeQuiz is a web platform which supports source code related quiz-tests (e.g. with a code-mode in tasks and some preprocessing to evaluate provided solutions). It was originally developed in 2013 for the course Python for Engineers held at TU Dresden. Currently (2023) it is also used in the Online Summer School Python for Women Engineers

The web application is implemented in Python using the django framework. It is still under active development, as user comments reveal bugs and suggest features. The project is open source and anybody is encouraged to use it and/or to contribute:
The content (i.e. tasks) was mainly contributed by piko.

Feedback w.r.t. the content can be reported via email to the maintainer:
mail = ""
mail = mail.replace("firstname", "carsten")
mail = .replace("lastname", "knoll")

To refer to a specific task the task-id is helpful (displayed in the section "Task-Meta-Data").